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Restricted Chemicals

Restricted Chemical Product (RCP) Permits are required for landholders to possess and use registered 1080 or strychnine products for vertebrate animal control on leasehold or freehold land.

Use of 1080 and strychnine is restricted by law and confined to certain areas of the state. Before using 1080 or strychnine you need to complete appropriate training, ensure you comply with relevant Acts, Regulations and Legislation, and must apply for and obtain the appropriate permit(s) to purchase these chemicals.


CRBA Executive Officer assists landholders to apply for an maintain a valid RCP, please contact to discuss.

Biosecurity & Management Act 2007

An Act to provide for —
     * the control of certain organisms; and

     * the use of agricultural and veterinary chemicals; and
     * the identification and attainment of standards of quality and safety for agricultural products, animal feeds, fertilisers and other substances and things; and
     * the establishment of a Declared Pest Account, a Modified Penalties Revenue Account and accounts for industry funding schemes; and
     * related matters

Wild Dogs

Wild dogs continue to be the biggest problem in the region attacking sheep, goats and young cattle. Not only do wild dogs cause direct stock losses, they also cause income losses through injury and attack damage to livestock (sheep and cattle) that devalues livestock at sales.


Under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 landholders - landowners and occupiers - are responsible for wild dog control on their own land.


Wild dogs require a wide range of control measures, with even wider costs and approaches.  In past years the CRBA has relied heavily on community baiting programs to compliment the work undertaken by contracted Licensed Pest Management Technicians (LPMTs) of which 8 operate across the region providing assistance to landholders.

Large Feral Herbivores (LFH)

Large feral herbivores are present in various concentrations across the CRBA region.  Notable donkey numbers have been reported during 2019/20 and 2020/21 in the regions of North Carnarvon, North Upper Gascoyne, North and South Murchison. 


Due to LFH concentrations being so spread out and funding restrictions the CRBA will run opportunistic programs for LFH control throughout the region in consultation with landholders, where there declared pest account budget allows as the year progresses.


Through work with CRBA key stakeholders small programs have been undertaken across areas of concerns over the last five years, commencing in 2018.  This work, along with control undertaken by LPMT and landholders has seen the spread of these pest animals decrease to manageable populations.


Weeds in the CRBA catchment, include Mesquite, Parkinsonia and Coral Coast Cactus.     

The CRBA remains focused on controlling these invasive weeds, specifically Mesquite as a declared Weed of National Significance (WONS). It out-competes native vegetation and reduces the productive grazing capacity of pastoral lands. It also exposes topsoil along riverbanks to water and wind erosion, damages infrastructure and greatly increases the operating costs of pastoral holdings throughout the region.  

The CRBA will also continue to provide guidance to landholders within the region who have identified Coral Coast Cactus by providing them with the biological control that has proven successful on other properties within the region.  LPMTs continue to identify Coral Coast Cactus in their areas utilising the biological control on these infestations.  These are then monitored with progress regularly reported back.

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